What I make is a good reflection of how my mind and hands work.

The following is a list of current works + older projects.

( sorry, some links may be broken since other sites change often)


Downloadable Resume Click Here


Nominated Toy of the Year 2011Toy Industry Association

click for online How2 videos (or search keywords How2, Real Construction, toy, workshop, starter, and/or MrGreatRakes)

A new launch for Knot Wud: Foam "wood" can be cut, drilled, and nailed like real wood... only it's much safer.

click logo to see international sales site.

Toy & Family Entertainment calls it "perfect", "timeless", and "innovative" ( page 24)

TheToyBook featued in What' New,

CNBC, Hobby Media (Italian),

special THANKS to JAKKS PACIFIC for their continued support of my work!



In Stores Now from Bossa Nova Robotics ( I ONLY CONSULTED on these bots- for clarity THESE ARE NOT MY INVBENTION!!!)





Playthings Magazine, Toy Wishes, About.com, Dr. Toy, Toy Insider



No Poke Pins ..2007



Online voting and panel judges all choose No Poke Pins #1

As soon as I can get them to market I will.


It started with these images...

and became... .....

2006 something BIG in micro


click logo to see whole line @ MAttel.com

2006-7 Battle Tronics for Techno Source.

partners*628 design

Also in 2006


MAKEshift04 :Most Creative Entry [click to check it out]

MAKEzine's contest judged by memebers from Dean Kamens DEKA


Other press releases



.click for BIGmovie file

One of several patents held. This one has a technical drawing of a monkey!

click here to view patent # 6106356, 6176759 , us20070004311ki


Great Adventures for Fisher Price. Is an old favorite of mine.

Please, go all the way to the bottom for different types of work

it keeps coming...

still more...




the bottom

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